
Your support means the world to us

As a nonprofit museum offering free admission, Planet Word could not exist without the generosity of its friends and supporters — people like you, who believe that words matter.

We’re on a mission to share the power, fun, and beauty of language with as many people as possible. Will you help us?

Planet Word is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID#46-4894732. Read our Annual Report.

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More ways to give

You can also donate to Planet Word by mail, stock transfer, donor-advised fund, wire transfer, IRA distribution, and more.

To mail donations to Planet Word, please send your gift to:

Planet Word
Museum of Language Arts
925 13th St., NW
Washington, D.C. 20005

For gifts of $10,000 and more, named gifts, and/or endowment gifts, please contact our development team at [email protected].